Our road trip included a stay in Beaufort, a some-what quick stop in Charleston-which is so beautiful, Parris Island (for the actual graduation), and then we stopped a few places in FL on the way back home. It seems like there's ALOT more to do in Florida. So glad to be back home!

My favorite place we visited was Charleston. I loved it! Absolutely beautiful. It was so busy, and all of the buildings/houses are so narrow but tall. I love the streets of these older cities, except they are SO not practical now a days-unless you have a smart car. Trying to manuveur my SUV through this little town was a pain. What am I talking about...Doug did all the driving! I guess I shouldn't be complaining ;) We drove past the Calhoun Mansion, which I read was one of the places they filmed the Notebook (one of my FAVORITE movies ever.) We had a book of places to visit around South Carolina, so while riding to Charleston I was reading up on things to see there, and of course when I saw the word "mansion" I skipped right to that section. So I'm reading out loud and it went something like this: "blah blah blah, the Calhoun Mansion was used in the filMING OF THE NOTEBOOK!!! I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK! Oh my gosh, we have to go there! 35 rooms- I gotta see this." Even Doug seemed a little excited about it surprisingly. I was totally expecting the white house with blue shutters that was on the lake-but it wasn't. It was a beautiful old house but it was crammed in with all of the other old houses on Meeting Street. So I'm not sure what part of the movie was filmed here, but either way I still thought it was pretty awesome.